The SHUSD Food Services Team takes great pride in serving all enrolled students well-balanced meals based on the School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program regulations. Breakfast and lunch are free to all students through the CA Universal Meals Program; other snacks for purchase are not available. Breakfast is served at AM break and lunch during a designated lunchtime at all school sites in the cafeteria or quad areas. Salad bars will be available at all school sites at lunch!
Our current monthly menus are on this website link, and electronically delivered via Parent Square. Our menu meets the USDA meal pattern and nutritional quality requirements for calories, saturated fat, sodium, and whole grain based on age group. The meal components offered in required portions according to grade level are meat/meat alternative, grains, fruit, vegetable, and milk.
SHUSD Food Service Department, 465 Main Street, Saint Helena, CA 94574
Contact: Angela Baxter, RD, Director of Food Service, 707-967-2722 or