The passage of Proposition 30 on November 6, 2012, added Article XIII, Section 36 to the California Constitution effective November 7, 2012. Article XIII, Section 36 requires the creation in the State General Fund of the Education Protection Account (EPA) to receive and disburse the revenues derived from the incremental increases in taxes imposed by the passage of Proposition 30. TK-14 local agencies have the sole authority to determine how the funds received from the EPA are spent, with the following provisos: a) the spending plan must be approved by the Governing Board during a public meeting; b) EPA funds cannot be used for administrative salary/benefits, or any other administrative costs; and c) each LEA must publish on its website an accounting of how much money was received from the EPA and how the funds were expended. The annual Education Protection Account Resolutions and spending plans are approved by the SHUSD Board of Trustees in May or June each year.